Thursday, April 16, 2009

Nile Jule

This past Easter holiday, I cruised the Nile with
some great friends from home. Anne and Mark
Kennedy definitely win the award for best friends of 2009 for making trek out here. And what a fabulous way to see Egypt - on a cruise ship with good friends.

After a few days touring Cairo, we flew to Aswan and saw Lake Nasser – largest manmade lake in the world created by the High Dam which was built to control the annual floods of the longest river in the world.

Our cruise ship, which looked like an old steamship on the Mississippi was appropriately named The Nile Jewel

We sailed with the current north (the Nile flows from Lake Victoria to the Mediterranean Sea) towards Luxor and stopped along the way to see temples and ruins like Philae, Edfu, Ko Ombo and Elephantine Island. We lounged in the sun, played cards and drank beer and rum as we watched the lush Egyptian landscape pass by. It is striking how green the Nile Valley is and how stark the desert and mountains are in the distance.

The Easter bunny travelled with us. :-)

In Luxor we sweltered in the heat to see the spectacular Valley of the Kings tombs, Hatshepsut's Temple - where one of the world’s first female cross-dresser was king, Luxor and Karnak Temples - where kings and queens partied and prayed, the Avenues of Sphinxes and Rams, and of course took the obligatory horse and carriage ride through the city.

It was truly a fabulous trip with some really great friends.

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