Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Recommended Reading

I know there are a lot of book lovers reading this blog out there. And I read all the time. I always have, but here I have even more reading time on my hands (see previous posts on waiting on taxis all day). So I thought I'd share some of what I've enjoyed reading lately - all Egypt or Middle Eastern related. Enjoy!

First, the Girls of Riyadh by Rajaa Alsanea is a fabulous read. It's advertised as Sex in an Arab City, and it's about young women in Saudi trying to find love. It's reads as a thoroughly enjoyable beach-read novel. BUT, the more I get to know the women at the office the more I see that this book is right on for how women are viewed and treated, and view themselves in a modern Arab city. Seriously, my top choice so far - quick and fun.

Second, another women's study suggestion (sorry guys), Khul-Khad by Nayra Atiya is a biography of 5 Egyptian women in Cairo in the 1970s and 80s. Some of it is a bit dated. But read in conjunction with the above suggestion, it is shocking how much has NOT changed.

No God But God by Reza Aslan is a study of the past, present and future of Islam. NO, I am not converting to anything! Just educating myself. And this was a very good and readable overview.

And finally (for now), Taxi by Khaled Al Khamissi. I couldn't resist this one. It's dialogues with Cairo taxi drivers. Personally, I think this would be an interesting and entertaining read in any major city worldwide. It's hysterical and infuriating at times and oh so true. This will not make me sympathize with the drivers, nor fall for their tricks and cons for more money. But it was a fun read.

All are available on Amazon and no I do not get any advertising kickbacks. I'll let you know if I come across any other must reads, and feel free to share what's on your nightstand these days.

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