Tuesday, January 13, 2009

In the News

I've gotten a lot of questions about the fighting in Gaza and Egypt's involvement and/or the potential changes in the climate here. First, I want to assure everyone that I am several hundred miles from the Egypt/Gaza border and I am safe. And despite the American media reports of demonstrations or worse yet riots in Cairo, I have not seen any evidence of this myself. We watch and read the news and are concerned here too just as you. But as far as I can see, it is pretty much life as usual here - crazy but typical Cairo life. Just like in America, life goes on as usual despite the number of conflicts our troops are involved in worldwide.

If the situation changes in Cairo, I am registered with the US embassy here and they will let me know if it's time to go.

You can read our daily news coverage if you're interested, here

In other news as reported by the Egyptian Gazette, they plan to close the Mogamma office building (see previous post on my nightmare experience there). I have to say I feel a sense of vindication and relief about this closure - apparently the building is condemned as well. They hope to sell it to a hotel. Maybe that's where the new Ritz will go?

More from the news of the weird: in a suburb of Cairo called Wadi Delga there is a new ordinance that all donkeys in the street need to wear diapers. Yes, I said diapers. Donkeys are used all over the city to carry goods to markets. Apparently the donkey droppings in the street are upsetting or turning off some tourists or so the local government thinks. So, instead of encouraging people who should know better to watch where they are walking - your not in Kansas anymore - they are requiring poor farmers to buy ridiculous nappies. Sorry no offense to the Kansans out there, you probably already knows how to avoid cow paddies. DUH!

And finally, some photos from the New Year's Eve Ball. Although these photos were not published in the paper yet, they probably should have. Enjoy!

A true Scotsman

and the Fairy God Parents

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