Saturday, May 2, 2009

Swine Flu and Garbage City

There are no cases of swine flu in Egypt. There is no evidence that the flu is spread by pigs. It is a human illness spread from humans to humans. Despite all of these known facts, the Egyptian government has decided to slaughter all of the 300,000 pigs in the Egypt, just as a precaution. Despite international health officials reports the swine flu virus that has caused worldwide fear is not transmitted by pigs, and that pig slaughters do nothing to stop its spread.

I figure every news station is talking about the Swine Flu I might as well chime in too and share with you Egypt's irrational and badly planned solution to "protect" itself.

Many see this move to slaughter the pigs as just another form of discrimination against the minority Christians who raise pigs. The majority Muslim community in Egypt does not eat port for religious reasons.

In Cairo, the vast majority of pigs are raised by the Coptic Christian community in Garbage city called the Zebaleens. The Zabaleen are employed by the city to collect the garbage; and have been doing so for almost 100 years. The estimated population of Garbage city is 60-70,000 people. They live at the foot of Mokattam Hills. They make a living by sorting the trash, mostly by hand in the first floors of their homes and selling recycled materials (paper, plastic, cardboard, glass, steel, everything) to other vendors. They use the food waste to feed livestock such as pigs and chickens that are raised in the same area – typically the roof of their homes. It is reported that the Zebaleen recycle 80-90% of what they collect – which much higher than any “modern city’s” waste management system.

If you look closely at the photo you can see the goats on the roof of the building among the piles of sorted trash.

The newspaper goes on, “The pigs will be culled in “specialized slaughter houses [read: not the current Zebaleen-run businesses]…and the pig farmers will just get the animals back as frozen meat…there may be talks about compensation later. There have already been reports of pigs being kidnapped and killed and farmers not getting anything in return - as a matter of national security.

The Egyptian government goes on to say that within two years the pigs will return, but we need first to build new farms [read: government run and controlled, and will take many more then 2 years; and allah only knows what will happen with the organic waste in the meantime]. In the meantime armed police are stationed outside some of Cairo's pig farming areas, to stop pig farmers trying to smuggle out and hide their pigs [read: save their livelihood].”

There is an active community-organizing volunteer group called The Association for the Protection of the Environment APE working in Garbage city. I hope they are working with the community on this latest insult. They offer a variety of programs including health and safety, education, income generating cottage industries such as paper and rag recycling, weaving and sewing programs for women and composting and recycling, children’s education and nutrition through nursery and afterschool programs, English-language study, health clinics. You can can support their efforts by buying some of their beautiful handmade products from their website at If you want save on shipping costs you can place your orders with me. :-)

Stay safe and healthy!

An APE worker.

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