Saturday, January 31, 2009

Mokattam Hills

I live in the Mokattam Hills area of Cairo. For weeks now I have been lamenting about what Mokattam Hills lacks. The list is long and varied. I find it a difficult neighborhood especially for a foreigner to live alone. One quirk that makes is particularly challenging is I have seen Mokattam spelt at least 4 different ways and is pronounced both Mo-Attaam and MoKAHtum. It makes it tough to get a taxi home when I spend most of my free time in more hospitable neighborhoods.

But, in an effort to learn more about this place I live and hopefully find some redeeming qualities or maybe even some hidden treasures I signed up for a tour of the Hills. First, I learned that the pyramids were built with stones quarried from this mountain. And second, I learned that according to a Bible story a miracle occurred on this very mountain. According to the story, in approximately 979 AD St. Simon the Tanner physically moved this mountain by prayer and faith alone.

Watch out, I am going to quote the Bible here.
Matthew 17:20, "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, `Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

Well they were standing on and talking about this very mountain, Mokattam Hills. And according to the story, it moved, an earthquake occurred and the sun could be seen between the earth and the mountain.

At the foot of Mokattam Hills, a monastery has been built in honor of St. Simon and this miracle. You drive through Garbage City (more on that in another post) and you enter the monastery which consists of about 3 or 4 churches carved into or out of the mountain itself, including the Cave Church, and very impressive carvings of Bible stories depicted in the mountain. Some pictures are here, but you can also check out this website for more info.

The Holy Family's escape through Egypt.

So although I did not find any new coffee shops or restaurants or potential people-meeting places in my neighborhood, I learned a new appreciation for the mountain and land on which I live.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very cool Julie! And this verse if a regular in our Sunday School Literature. I love the church picture - carved into the mountain. Thanks for sharing...will share at Sunday School sometime.