Sunday, November 30, 2008

Giving Thanks in the Western Desert

I hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving Holidays as much as I did.

I joined a expat tour group for a American Thanksgiving in the Western Desert this past weekend. It was a fabulous trip! The scenery was amazing. See pictures below. And I met a lot of great people who were happy to offer help to a newbie.

I had no idea the desert was so diverse!

We climbed sand dunes like you see in the movies, parts of it looked like the American southwest canyon lands, the Black Desert is made from volcanic magma, and the White Desert filled with limestone rock formations that are 350 million years old. It was staggering! We swam in hot springs, had turkey dinner with a local Bedouin band, toured the Bahariya oasis, and saw the recently discovered greco/Roman golden mummies.



connie said...

It is quite amazing that this
is the desert. I did not imagine
things taking form there.
What are these formations made

Julie said...

The white formations are made of limestone shaped by wind and sand and at one time the ocean.