Friday, November 14, 2008

il hamdu allah - TV

il hamdu allah - (thank god) I found the TV room.
I know some of you out there are saying what the hell is she doing watching TV? She should be out enjoying Cairo, living it up.

Well, do any of you know how tiring it is to suck the marrow out of life and live in the Now all the time?!?!?! It’s freaking exhausting! So, do not begrudge me one small vice of the occasional CNN and American re-runs. OK and the chocolate Halloween candy that the kids so graciously lined my pockets with before I left. But who’s counting.

I was down right giddy when my neighbor showed me the locked room off the lobby that housed a gorgeous and large sectional sofa and a huge satellite TV. Honestly, we spent more time trying to talk then watch anything really. But, it’s nice to know the TV is there when I need a break. Mostafa is a young engineering student who lives next door with his two roommates. They are all very nice and we try to communicate in broken English and they try to teach me some Arabic words. As anyone who has tried to do this before knows most of the conversations are pretty simple and revolve around myths about American culture (they asked, half-jokingly, if I was in the Mafia) and American pop-culture – which I forgot to study up on before leaving. Anyone who knows me in America knows I am not savvy at all with pop music and current films.

But it’s a start anyway.

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