Saturday, November 8, 2008

My new Apartment

I've settled into my apartment in Cairo. It's HUGE with plenty of room for visitors. I will figure out soon how to post pictures. I have 2 large bedrooms (sleeps 6 -8 depending on how friendly you are). And a living/dining room, kitchen and balcony. The view leaves a lot to be desired but I'm happy to have the outdoor space. It's taken me a while to figure out all the appliances. I've come to think about it like camping - you have to turn off the gas when you're done cooking, you need to plan ahead to shower and turn on the hot water heater a good hour ahead and you need plenty of bottled water around. The building also has laundry facilities in the basement, which I was relieved to learn. I had fears of my delicates being air dried over the trash heap like my neighbors. It also has security and a very patient apt. manager named Housien who has helped me figure everything out as best he can in his only Arabic and my only English languages.

I have spent this weekend exploring my neighborhood and am happy to report I found a convenience store, a decent and clean restaurant, and the Egyptian equivalent of Super-Walmart. It may sound like a cop-out to some to shop at Ragab Sons aka Walmart but I think it'll take me a while to work up the nerve and the language skills to shop at the traditional sooq or open air market - where they sell flipflops along side fresh fruits and veggies and where you can buy your chickens still clucking or dressed on site for you.

I endured the stares as I walked around. And I figure they will get used to seeing me around and I will get used to them as well. No one really speaks to me yet except a few children who are brave enough to attempt, "Hallo." And then they run off giggling when it says "Hello" back.

Overall it's off to a good start. Slow but good that seems to be the Egyptian way.


Logan Felonious said...

Bravo Gallavantress!

toomanypastimes said...

So glad you are doing this Julie! Kris will be happy to know about your apartment.

connie said...

Hi Julie
And so the adventure begins.
I'd say you have mastered quite
a lot in a short time.
Am trying to get your mom hooked
up so she can e-mail. I'll do my
best to get her up and running.
Stay safe and happy.
Aunt Connie <3

Wendy said...

Julie- thanks for sharing all your adventures with us! And, the photos help give a sense of your new home.